What is a standup meeting?

Useful info, 25.10.2020

In the Coronavirus era, more and more companies are using methodology from the IT sphere to interact more effectively with their remote teams. One of the most popular methods from the IT world was arranging standup meetings. In this article we want to tell you what is standup meeting and how this regular ritual will make the transition to remote work painless.



The most common goals of the standup meeting can be distinguished as follows:

  • Determine whether the assigned tasks have been completed by the team, or identify problems with execution at an early stage;
  • Identify the motivation of employees;
  • Identify possible health problems with team members;
  • Receive a report from employees on the previous day's work;
  • Find out employees plans for the current day.

Any company need to collect information about the current situation in a short time. A standup meeting is a great way to clean out the excess and reduce feedback cycles.


Examples of questions for stand-up meetings:

  • What tasks did you perform yesterday?
  • What tasks do you plan to perform today?
  • Do you have blockers or difficulties?
  • Assess how you are feeling.
  • How do you evaluate your level of motivation?

To be fair, each company can individually create its own set of questions corresponding to its activity, the main goal is to keep a hand on the pulse and control all the processes in the team work.


A tool for standup meeting

We have come to the most interesting thing, namely, what tool to use for standup meetings arranging in case your team works remotely.

AssistBot is a service for arranging standup meeting via messengers. As an HR/Product Manager, Team Leader, or Project Manager, you can organize a meeting via messengers used by your team. No additional installations of complex CRM, just a bot in a messenger, which surveys your team with defined frequency. After that bot create analytical reports based on the member's responses.



It doesn't matter if you know such terms as Scrum or Kanban, whether you call the meetings, the main thing is that all participants back to the workplace with a full understanding of their task in the team and the whole project.

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